Fire & Rescue
The Arcanum Fire Department is a paid on call department, so they respond from their work or home when a call is received. We have 23 professional firefighters ready to serve the fire district for all types of calls. These honorable men and women place themselves in the most dangerous situations to serve and protect our community against fire and rescue disasters.
Village of Arcanum Volunteer Fire Department
208 South Main Street
Arcanum, Ohio 45304
To leave a message: please call The Village Administration Office 937-692-8500 (no fire members are available to speak to)
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PLEASE! Do Not Call our Business Office for your Emergency! Call 911 or 937-548-2020!
Fire Chief Mark Gibson
Mark Gibson has been serving as chief since July of 2024. Chief Gibson has been a member of the Fire Department since 1998.
Rescue Squad Information
Arcanum Community Rescue Service provides emergency medical response to the Arcanum area. There are 29 active members of the rescue squad and the squad is staffed with medical train
ed personnel ready to respond to emergency calls 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.