Limb Pick Up
The last SCHEDULED limb pick up will be Friday, December 27th, 2024
The last SCHEDULED limb pick up will be Friday, December 27th, 2024
Last day for leaf pick up will be December 20th!
The Park & Recreation Committee is looking for monetary donations to go
towards purchasing 10 trees again for Ivester Park.
Deadline for sponsorship is September 30th.
MAY 22, 2024 (after 9:00 pm)
As part of Rumpke’s ongoing commitment to ensure our customers can recycle the most amount of material possible – we are once again growing our acceptable items list, by implementing the Hefty ReNew™ program in the region.
Hefty ReNew™ is a hard-to-recycle plastics recovery program that offers residents and businesses served by Rumpke Recycling a convenient way to divert more waste from landfills. Beginning in April, residents in seven Miami Valley counties, including Montgomery, Greene, Clinton, Clark, Miami, Darke and Preble can participate.
People who choose to participate can purchase Hefty ReNew™ orange bags at their local Kroger, Walmart, Meijer, Target or Ace Hardware. For additional online options, visit Each orange bag features a list of hard-to-recycle items like Styrofoam and plastic bags that can be collected in the bag for recycling. Simply fill the bag with those items and when it’s full, tie it up and then place the bag in a Rumpke Recycling bin or public recycling drop box for collection. It’s that easy! Rumpke will then collect the recycling bins, sort each material by commodity type as it typically does, while pulling out the Hefty® ReNew® orange bags. The bags will then be sent to specialized recyclers that will use the materials to create new and useful products including plastic lumber and irrigation blocks.
The Hefty ReNew™ program is intended to complement, but not replace, current recycling routines. Therefore, it’s important for Rumpke Recycling customers to continue putting paper, cardboard, cartons, glass and plastic bottles, tubs, cups, aluminum cans and steel cans in their Rumpke bins or community drop boxes loose and un-bagged.
Businesses and municipalities will soon be able to order commercial size bags directly from Rumpke.
The following link can be found under Utility Forms & Info as well: Hefty Renew What Goes in Bag
Community Garage Sales
June 19-22, 2024
Send garage sale listings to: (Tina Melling)
2023 TAX DEADLINE was APRIL 15, 2024
Click the Income Tax tab and then the Online Filing.
Follow the instructions to file online.
You can upload copies of your W-2’s, 1099’s and your Federal 1040 page 1 and if you have Schedules C & E that need to be uploaded to complete your return.
Payments can be made online through the link on the Income Tax tab (fees apply) or you can pay with cash, check or credit card in the office or mail to PO Box 157 Arcanum, OH 45304
If you have questions regarding who is required to file: click Residential Tax Forms, under General forms, TAX FAQ’s.
**Credit Card Payments are ACCEPTED in the office and online (fee applies)**
Please click the link to review the Snow Plan for Village of Arcanum