Online Filing
Questions, call 937-692-8500 x221
****Online Filing Instructions****
Be sure that you are submitting all of the following documents that are applicable to you.
• EZ Tax Form – completed and signed
• Page 1 of Federal 1040
• Federal Schedule C or E (business or rental income)
• 1099 (not Int.)
• All W2s
• Your typed name in the signature line will act as your signature
Please note: If all required documents are not uploaded, your return will be rejected.
****To complete Electronic Form EZ****
Form EZ Template(click here to download)
- After downloading
- Choose Enable Editing at top of form
- Input the information from your W-2’s into the corresponding columns
(use income from Box 5) - Do not include School District withholding – 1902
- Type tax payers name in the signature line and Date
(your typed name will act as your signature for electronic filing) - Once complete–File/Save As: Arcanum-Electronic-Form- Your Name.xlsx
(must be saved as Excel document)
Upload all documents below by selecting SUBMIT TAX FORM: